uniform motion

英 [ˈjuːnɪfɔːm ˈməʊʃn] 美 [ˈjuːnɪfɔːrm ˈmoʊʃn]

网络  等速运动规律; 匀速运动; 统一运动; 勻速運動



  1. This law states," Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless a net external force is applied to it. "
  2. Research on Uniform Motion of Piston in Double Cylinder Single Acting Piston Pump
  3. Study on the aerodynamic noise of a fastback car with rear view mirrors in uniform motion and accelerated motion
  4. If a body is kept free of the action of forces, it will remain in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line.
  5. Blurred Image Restoration of Local Uniform Motion Based on Z Transform
  6. If you were content to remain at rest or in uniform motion relative to an unaccelerated frame of reference, no force would be needed.
  7. Calculation of the electromagnetic field generated by an electric dipole of uniform motion in a straight line of arbitrary direction
  8. ( physics) the tendency of a body to maintain is state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force.
  9. As Professor Wolfson points out, the essence of relativity can be summed up in a single sentence: The laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion.
  10. The beat signal model of the stationary, uniform motion and accelerated motion target is sinusoid, Linear Frequency-Modulated ( LFM) signal and polynomial-phase signal ( PPS) respectively.
  11. High speed motion of camera causes blur image. On the assumption of uniform motion of the camera, on the basis of Wiener filter algorithm, restoration model is presented on motion-blurred image.
  12. Distribution of electric and magnetic field of electric dipole in uniform motion
  13. Simplified rigid body dynamic model for a parallel kinematics machine under uniform motion
  14. Non uniform motion can be produced by using a servo motor to drive a middle transmission system.
  15. Gauss 'theorem for fieid of charges in uniform motion
  16. A Method of Computation of Electric Field in Uniform Motion of Point Electric Charge
  17. Restoration of uniform motion blurred images using the projection iterative method
  18. It keeps a uniform motion in longitudinal direction after it forms; This article presented the general design and simulation methods for TSE and also gave an example with uniform motion land as its larger.
  19. The jacobian matrix of 4-RPTR parallel mechanism is established by using the method called imaginary mechanism, then establish the velocity equation, And draw the input velocity change curve under the condition of uniform motion of the motion platform.
  20. According to discrete conception, mechanism of image blur caused by uniform motion is analyzed. Mathematical models of image blur and restoration by uniform rotation motion are established by means of Z transform. Fast restoration algorithm is presented.
  21. In this paper analyzes and demonstrates two problems in the experiment of using oscillograph: one is the function of triggering level, the other is why the horizontal scan spot moves in uniform motion.
  22. The experiment proves that this method can perfectly control the running modes such as starting, acceleration, uniform motion, slowdown and creeping of the hoist.
  23. The hydrodynamic characteristics of finite thin wing having uniform motion and with the distance from the wing to a boundary ( ground or free surface) changing with the time have been studied.
  24. This paper introduced leading in height rapidly, accurately and safely through a shaft by means of uniform motion method, the precision and the application of the method were made analysis and discussion.
  25. Wavemeter requires that the guide can move in uniform motion and along straight line.
  26. For a non uniform motion production in high speed and heavy load cases, a mechatronics, two degree of freedom mechanism is introduced in this paper.
  27. The electromagnetic momentum density of the electromagnetic polarization medium with uniform motion was calculated on the basis of the relativistic electromagnetic momentum density was derived in electromagnetic field in any inertia system.
  28. Subsequently the motion form is extended to arbitrary uniform motion;
  29. It is defined that the actual scanning motion is composed of uniform motion and non-uniform motion, thus the actual curing line appears variously.
  30. The principle of equivalent method from the uniform sampling data with variable motion to the non-uniform sampling data with uniform motion is expounded, and from this, the SAR imaging for variable motion based on non-uniform discrete fourier transform is studied.